I picked up a copy of this on a whim at my neighborhood bookstore, Black Bird. One of the employees highlighted it as a highly impactful read. My ADHD makes it difficult to finish a book; I often bring books on my trips and return home with the bookmark still peeping out from the same […]
Category: Mental Health
On My Struggle With Addiction
“Jenny, do you remember the party when you said that my brother bullied you so much in middle school that you cut yourself?” Mark’s cousin questioned me with her arms crossed and eyebrows raised. “N..no, I don’t remember saying that. But that did happen.” I felt my stomach sink. The discussion started with a question […]
An Overview of My Meditation Journey
I woke up this morning with a scratchy throat and a fog in my head. “Well, my time to succumb to the rona has finally come,” I gloomily accepted. I chugged an Emergen-C, ate an omelette atop toasted challah, cleaned my room, and went right back to sleep. Upon reawakening, I drank the Irish breakfast […]